Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Greatest Anti-Global Warming Article You'll Ever Read (Maybe)

If one more cow farts, the bear and the ice cube die.

Let me start out by saying man-made global warming is one of the greatest scams ever pulled off. It's brilliant, really. It has set mankind out to destroy the most successful economic system in the world. It has set mankind out to hate all the things that make life better. It has actually set mankind out to destroy our own species.

I know, I know. Global warming has been covered ad-nauseum. It's boring. I get it. But it's the boring stuff that will kill you. This is the most serious issue in generations and effects the entire world. As soon as one side convinces you that it's boring and it's not worth fighting, they have won. 'An Inconvenient Truth' didn't have to be masterfully directed or interesting. All it had to do was throw the idea out there and then lull you to sleep.

Disclaimer: I don't dispute that global warming exists. If the temperature is collectively moving upwards, then you have global warming. What I question is the idea that man is causing it. I'm going to cover a lot here. Stay with me. If you believe in man-made global warming, that's fine, but keep an open mind.
The Culpability of the Media

No person or organization has been more influential in disseminating the idea of man-made global warming than the media. I'm not just pointing at MSNBC and CNN, either. FoxNews is as guilty as they are. It's the nature of our 24/7 media to push something like this.

You see, the media (in any form) loves a good crisis. Crises sell newspapers, magazines, and ad times on TV and radio. To paraphrase Greg Gutfeld, crises are like sex for the media and a big apocalyptic ending is the orgasm. They're always jumping from crisis to crisis, predicting doom and gloom, but never reaching orgasm. Just look at the dire predictions from the BP oil spill, the tsunami and nuclear meltdown in Japan, or Hurricane Irene. These were supposed to be traumatic events that would impact our lives for years. A few months after the oil spill or the tsunami, how different is your life? If you're like me, it's no different. The oil spill quickly disappeared/was cleaned up despite predictions of miles of oil-covered beaches littered with the carcasses of dead animals. The nuclear meltdown in Japan didn't produce a fraction of the predicted destruction (including an absurd warning that radiation was going to hit the West Coast). In a few weeks you won't even hear about the damage from Hurricane Irene.
Shh....even if you disagree with me, no one will hear you.

Man-made global warming has become the media's ultimate crisis because the climax is potentially so great - extinction of life on earth. More importantly, it sells. They can play a few clips of a polar bear falling through ice and suddenly you're contemplating trading in your SUV for a two-seater tin can that runs on unicorn tears. Even more egregious is the fact that no airtime is given to scientists who disagree with man-made global warming (there's only several thousand of them).

The Assault on Science

One of the biggest problems with the theory of man-made global warming is that it has never been presented as a theory. It has been presented as fact since its origin. Moreover, the assault on dissenting scientists goes against one of the most important tenets of science - the ability and right to question ideas, both new and old. This is how advances in science are made - advances like finding out that the earth is not flat and that it is not the center of the universe. To deny scientists the ability to question theories shows a disregard for the scientific community and, more importantly, raises questions about how confident global warming supporters are in the science behind the theory.

To propose an idea, declare it to be fact, promote the heck out of it and then not allow it to be questioned is ludicrous. An idea is only worth believing if there are facts backing it up, in which case doubters should be welcomed for the sole purpose of proving your own point to be correct. For instance, if I make the claim that I can dunk a basketball, you have the right to question that claim. I can then prove myself right and validate my claim by taking you out to the basketball court and showing you the facts (dunking the basketball). The only reason why I wouldn't want you to question my claim is if I couldn't prove it because it wasn't true.

An equally big problem is the motivation behind the scientists supporting man-made global warming. Their work is funded largely by government and their instruction is this - find out if man-made global warming is real and, if it is, find out how to stop it. The funding continues as long as the study continues. If the scientists come back and report that man-made global warming is a hoax, the funding stops and they join the rank of the unemployed. How many of you would present a report to your employer explaining how your services were no longer needed? In a field that relies so much on how data is interpreted, there is too much incentive for scientists to manipulate it for the most basic of reasons - to keep putting food on the table.

I won't take the time to go into much detail regarding the hacked emails from the Climate Research Unit in an event now known as "Climategate." Equally as disturbing as the clear conspiracy to manipulate data to fit a hypothesis is the lack of attention it received. It was more of a blip on the radar rather than the thread that should have unraveled the ugly sweater that is global warming.

The Anti-Humanist Movement

At its core, the man-made global warming hoax is an anti-human movement. Consider that every human action - eating, sleeping, pooping, breathing - leaves a "damaging" carbon footprint. If global warming is truly caused by humans, then there are two best case scenarios that could result from the efforts of its supporters: 

Unrealistic best case scenario - Complete extinction of humans. Think I'm kidding? There are anti-human groups pushing this agenda right now. If basic human action causes global warming, then a complete lack of human action will cure global warming. It's the only instance in the universe where you will find a species actively seeking its own extinction.  

Realistic best case scenario - An impoverished world. A human living in a hut made out of mud and sticks with no car, no air conditioning, no paved roads, no electricity and no meat would undeniably have much less of a carbon footprint. While mud huts may be a bit extreme, you're naive if you think Al Gore isn't dreaming of a utopia where families live in crammed community housing with limited access to items that we consider to be less than luxury.

 The realistic best case scenario described above proves why you have to be either a socialist or a communist to truly believe in man-made global warming. If its consequences were as dire as predicted, you would be 100% committed to preventing it. If you were 100% committed to preventing it, you would want everyone to be impoverished. This couldn't happen in a free market society. Capitalism has brought a higher standard of living to every income class. Those living in poverty have access to air conditioning, internet, cell phones, and other luxury items. It would take an active government effort to destroy the free market and confiscate wealth in order to save the planet.

Gore's Mansion - I don't see any solar panels or windmills.
I can't help but be fascinated (read: sad) by the fact that Al Gore, the biggest proponent of global warming, lives on a huge estate and owns mansions - yes, that's plural - across the United States. If the average person leaves a carbon footprint, Al Gore leaves a carbon crater. If the situation were so bleak and the consequences were so grand, why wouldn't he be the first to bulldoze his palaces and construct a modest mud hut to live in? And flying around the world on a private jet seems counterproductive. A canoe made from fallen timber seems like a more environmentally-conscious solution.

Can you really buy into a theory when its biggest, most vocal supporter lives a life completely contrary to what he preaches? Compare Al Gore and global warming to Billy Graham and the Bible (it's not a stretch to say that Al Gore is to global warming what Billy Graham is to Christianity). Al Gore travels, spreading the "gospel" of global warming and pointing to salvation through environmentallly-conscious living. Meanwhile, he lives a life completely counter to his doctrine, leaving a carbon footprint far greater than the average person could ever hope to leave. Now imagine if Billy Graham held these huge evangelistic outreaches, preached the gospel, advocated for moral lives, and pointed to salvation through belief in one God. But when he wasn't preaching, he was a meth-head, brought female escorts with him everywhere, bounced in and out of prison, and took part in Satanic rituals. Could you really believe what he was preaching? If you could, you're what I like to call a "moron."

Why You Need to be Fired Up About Global Warming

Like I said earlier, most people are tired of global warming. But if you just read the last section, you realize that the man-made global warming hoax is an assault on our very existence. I've never asked anyone this, but I would have to assume if you asked a global warming supporter if the world would be better off without humans, they would answer "yes." If they didn't, then they don't really buy into it.

If humans were extinct, the Predator would have won.
It's only natural that I, and any reasonable person, would be outraged at the idea of man-made global warming. There's not a single species on earth that seeks its own extinction for the benefit of other species. It is unnatural to seek your own extinction. It is unnatural to seek a lower standard of life.

You need to do nothing more than look at the situation. There is a constant promotion of global warming by a media network that chronically cries wolf on crises. There is a suppression of dissenting scientists and a conflict of interest polluting the scientific process with evidence of deliberate manipulation of data. There is a combination of a clearly anti-human agenda and a ludicrously hypocritical spokesperson. Do the math.

The average person believes global warming in spite of what was just discussed. An intelligent, discerning mind will question global warming because of what was just discussed. Be open-minded. Don't let yourself be spoon-fed lies by a media that only craves stories that will bring in viewers and ad revenue. Don't let yourself by fooled by a snake oil salesman.

Don't seek your own extinction. It's inhumane.


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